Yesterday I was driving with my husband to a meeting. It was rush hour and I took a shortcut that he didn’t know. I actually commented to my husband that it is a good thing that we don’t have a GPS as this way I always learn about detours.
Following this line of thought I actually came up with a whole bunch of things that we could do without.
1. GPS Devices. Of course, this is how the whole thing started. I don’t believe in GPS devices and for the life of me don’t understand why we cannot use a road atlas. I actually know Israel really well because when I moved here a few years ago I was constantly getting lost LOL. A road atlas costs about $20 in this country and is good for at least 3 years, depending on how much road work is going on.
But not just that, by getting lost, or having to take a slightly different way, I made some great discoveries – shops, restaurants, parks etc.
2. Microwaves. Now, if there is one kitchen item I really can do without, and do without, is the microwave. First of all, I read that it is not exactly the healthiest way to heat up the food. But regardless, I actually timed how long it takes me to heat up something on the stove top and in the microwave – and the difference was maybe one minute!!!
Next to the fact that you have to BUY a microwave (most people actually do have a stove/oven), you also have to get the right utensils to use the microwave. AND it takes extra space up in the kitchen.
True story, when I moved in with my husband he had a microwave. We lived together in his apartment for a year. We used his microwave exactly 3 times during that one year – to make popcorn!!! Yes, you guessed right. We passed the microwave on to someone who thought that this is one kitchen item that he really cannot do without.
3. Electronic Book Readers. Why not just read a real book?!? First of all, you need to buy the device and then buy e-books. I can see that it will get rid of the space problem at home, but honestly, just go to the library, the books there are for free. Where I live, even signing up is for free!!! In Germany you have to pay an annual payment of EUR 5, which is also not a lot.
I take my kids once a month to the library. Ok, they are 2.5 and 1.5 years old, so I usually choose the books that we take home, but they really look forward to going. We sit in the library, I read books to them, they love pulling them out and making a mess… which I don’t have to tidy up afterwards LOL.
But honestly, going to the library is one of those cost efficient leisure time activities that you can enjoy with your kids. This way you may also implant the love of reading in your children’s life. Oh, and as a side effect, they may not even want to spend that much time in front of the computer (my space/Facebook or whatever other popular trend is taking them in their grip).
4. Tanning Salons. Now, if there is money waster, this is really high up there on the list. It totally is beyond me why anyone would pay for something that you get 100% for free just about every day of the year??? And I won’t even go into the health issue!!!
5. Internet on Cell Phones. Yes, although it is available, why do it? First of all, it is expensive. And where would you use it? At home? Don’t you have a more comfortable alternative you’re your computer? While traveling? Ok, I am not even suggesting that you do it while driving in the car, but what about when you are on the train or bus? One option is to just read a book, relax, do a crossword…
6. SMS Another one of those senseless money wasters. Granted, SMS is quite a useful feature if you really have to contact someone urgently but cannot get hold of him in any other way (too late, no answer). I don’t understand why I have to spent loads of money on conversations that go something along the way of “See you later” “ Sure, where” “You choose” “No, you choose” “No you choose”… you get the picture. Totally mindless. And what fascinates me is that once it was the teens that where SMSing senselessly, now, it is just about anyone.
I don’t have a plan for the SMS service. I just pay whatever I use. Yes, sometimes I send about 4 per month, most of the time I send out 1 or 2.
7. Wii, Xbox, PlayStation and the like. I remember that when I was a kid I really wanted one of those Gameboys. My parents were very adamant about not getting me one. I hated them for about 2 month, played on my friends’ one during the spring trimester (I was in boarding school), and when we came back from summer holiday I had but forgotten that I really wanted one. A few years later (erm, over 15) I remembered the whole episode as one as my brother-in-laws (who was 17 at the time) got a PlayStation that he REALLY WANTED AND COULDN’T DO WITHOUT. And he has hardly ever played with it…. (this was a few years ago). Still collecting dust at my in-laws.
Ok, I have to admit that I really like Wii Fit and actually used my sister’s a few times. I even considered getting one. BUT it is quite costly, sport is not really that high up on my agenda at the moment (way, way, way too tired at night), and I am sure that with my two kids the “Stepper” of the Wii wouldn’t last too long…
What can you do instead? For any function that is mimicking something (playing guitar, dancing, sport) go do the real thing!!! (Except the shooting stuff, of course). And for all the other things, just find a hobby, read, meet up with friends (not on the Net).
8. Health Clubs. Why pay a lot of cash to go to a gym? You want to walk/run? Do it outside! The weather doesn’t allow it, go to your nearest mall (not something done in this country, as the malls are quite small, but then we have good weather most of the year). If you live near a beach you get free swimming resources. Maybe you have some free exercise equipment available for you. If not, grab some bottled water, cans or use your own body weight.
9. Bottled Water. Now, here is a total money waster. Although water is not for free 100%, the stuff that you get out of the tab is really cheap. You can get yourself a reusable bottle (like a sports bottle) and hey presto.
Granted, there may be places, where the water you get out of the tab is undrinkable, so bottled water may actually be not negotiable.
10. Disposable Bags. In my household we use containers (plastic, jars, dishes) and when we finish we just wash them and reuse them. We have some disposable bags, but hardly ever use them. Not only is it more cost efficient, it is also better for the environment.
11. Plasma Televisions. My sister has one, my parents have one, my in-laws have one. We don’t. We have one of those old fashioned TV’s. Since we don’t watch that much TV anyway it doesn’t really make such a difference. And I cannot complain about the TV quality.
12. More than one TV. Why have more than one TV? Totally beyond me. Why have a TV in every room? There are places that have a TV in the Bathroom/Toilet!!! Get real. Make watching TV a family event. If you have one TV only everyone learns to negotiate. Kids, never mind what age, don’t need their own TV. You want to have control over what and how much they watch. And the last place you want a TV is your bed room. Talk about intimacy killer.
13. Cigarettes. I am not just talking all the health risks associated with it, and that it smells like hell (and your cloth, your skin, your hair, your house). But every time you lighten a cigarette you actually burn money. Not a very clever thing to do.