Friday, August 24, 2012

My first picture!!!!! And Glycerin

Dear all,

today I made the granola bars using the recipe of the Basic Granola Bars (told you I make them all the time). Today I added half a cup of "some sour berries" (not joking, that's what I have written on my container... but I think it is cherries), half a cup of sunflower seeds, 1 cup of choco chips and 2 medium sized eggs (instead of one XL egg - which has become the standard size in this country).

I decided to make pictures of it. They came out really bad :(  Here are the two that I think came out ok - but you'll be the judge of it.

Actually, my hubbi and I had a discussion earlier on about granola bars. He had checked at work some and saw that they were full of unwanted ingredients.
By chance I had bought some (yeah, I know) for convenience purposes (they are about 100cal each... takes the thinking process out). I had checked them and didn't see anything that was totally obvious. So, I gave DH the package and told him that theose are fine. There was however, one ingredients that I didn't know what it was "Glycerol". I thought it was some kind of sugar (it was right next to sorbitol). Well, we checked it out and turns out that it is Glycerin.

Now, before you jump the gun, glycerin is not dangerous for you (well, are we not relieved) but it is just something that is totally beyond me why people would choose to eat it. Here are just some foods you find it in: Mentos (sadly enough for me as I LOVE them), tortiallas (don't ask me why) and now, as I had to find out, granola bars... Oh, and usually you find it in soaps and medicines next to being used to make nitroglycerin...
Again, glycerin is something very usefull, but not something I wish to digest.


  1. Glycerin is great for adding to your soapy solution to make great bubbles. I guess glycerol is the chemical alcohol form. Both are a biproduct of soap making. If I had to guess it's probably a presservative and holds in moisture, and if I recall it's also sweet. I think I would choose it over hydrogenated oil. (And sorbital, for that matter.) Delicious pictures!

    1. Yosefa, you are right in all points. I don't use margerine and try to avoid hydrogenated oils...

      I just choose natural foods as much as I can. May sounds extreme to some, but thank G'd my DH is right by my side on these things...

      And thanks for the compliment... they were gone in less then 36 hours...
